SPORTS GALLERY Photo Order Form- Please complete below Parent's Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Date of event MM DD YYYY Write in the space below the photo ID numbers you wish to order for digital download (it may be cheaper choosing the tournament pass option): Write in the space below the photo ID numbers you wish to download by purchasing the tournament pass: Write in the space below the photo ID numbers you wish to order 5X7 prints: Write in the space below the photo ID numbers you wish to order 8X10 prints: Write in the space below the photo ID numbers you wish to order 11X14 prints: Special Orders (CHECK ANY THAT APPLY): Digital files saved to a USB Drive (Standard charge for pictures plus $35 each USB Drive used) Add club logo and event date to digital/prints (Free) Add the name of the athlete to digital/prints ($2.50 each picture) Fill in your address - only if ordering prints or USB drive ($15 shipping charge) Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Special Requests Thank you! < Theatre and Fashion For Photographers >